A credit rating indicates many aspects of a company’s reputation. It uses economic measures to evaluate the company’s finances. But to us here at Kirkmayer Industries OÜ, it means even more.
This year, the international credit information company AS Creditinfo Eesti certified Kirkmayer Industries OÜ. They have recognised our contributions to the development of the Estonian economy and honest business culture. Based on economic data for 2020, we achieved the rating of “Very Good (AA)”. To achieve this rating, our company’s economic situation and financial results had to be good. We also had to consistently demonstrate proper payment discipline.
Creditinfo Eesti AS has acknowledged Estonian companies over the past 13 years with the Strongest in Estonia certificate. To analyse each company, Creditinfo Eesti AS evaluates nearly 400 different financial and economic indicators. After a thorough analysis, they issue a credit rating to the company. The AA or “Very Good” rating indicates that Kirkmayer Industries OÜ ranks amongst the top 6,9% of Estonian companies with an A-group rating.
“We are proud to display The Strongest in Estonia certificate showing a positive signal about how Kirkmayer excels in our dealing with existing and future partners. This international recognition affirms we remain a trustworthy partner and diligent member of the Estonian business community”, explains Mario Kirkmayer, CEO.
The Strongest in Estonia title enables companies like ours to stand apart from competitors with a concrete demonstration of trustworthiness and creditworthiness. Because only a few Estonian companies achieve this high credit score, the certificate applauds and recognises the companies and their employees. In other words, this certificate shows that Kirkmayer Industries OÜ is a company with stable, exemplary financial and economic behaviour as a trustworthy partner.